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Moving Forward....Details of An Autism Journey by Sonya A. Bell

In her own words, Sonya Bell brings you along on her personal journey of infertility to becoming a mom. Sonya shares openly about her emotional roller coaster regarding motherhood. Sonya and her husband, Keith were thrilled to become parents after several years of trying! The young couple never thought that they would be faced with parenting not one but two children with special needs. Their daughter was diagnosed with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability.  The young couple’s second son was diagnosed with autism. As a registered nurse she was all too familiar with conventional medications and the side-effects that came with the medications. 

Sonya knew that conventional medications would be their last resort. Intuitively she knew that the alternative, holistic health route was right for her family. She prayed for guidance and opened her mind to the possibility of nutritional healing. If you have ever been just a little curious about how food additives impact behavior, then you’re reading the right book. She shared the details that led to her silencing the tantrums of her hyperactive and autistic children. 


This text is a wonderful blend of scientific and medical knowledge with real-world observation and application.  The material is relevant and current to the rising prevalence of autism and other behavioral health in our world.  I am left with the reality that we must be vigilant in our food choices knowing that our foods impact how our brain functions. Thus is a good text for families managing with autism. It was also benefit those who are seeking to gain insight in those areas as well.

David Fields, MD
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